Find investors

Find investors2022-08-26T09:02:02+02:00

We match investors with companies, that have an ambitious and scalable business model.

We know that your time is money, and that competition for capital is fierce. Get direct exposure to over 450 business angels, and improve your odds significantly. Start by submitting your case, and get on our radar in an instant.

Apply in 1 minute. Receive an answer within a few hours

Join over 300 other entrepreneurs who have taken the plunge with us. Understand why

Here are a number of reasons why entrepreneurs choose to use Keystones

100% spotlight for your startup
The minute counter doesn’t need to stress more than necessary. Your case is emailed directly to all members. And only your case. Afterwards, we facilitate an hour-long investor meeting dedicated just to you. But we don’t stop there. We typically stick with your investor communications long after the initial introduction.

Our members are qualified investors. They pay a fixed annual subscription. It is a clear signal that the people we have in the network, have proven that they are serious about their decision to invest in startups. Maybe in your startup?

We are on your side
You’re more than a number in the queue. At Keystones you enter into a paid – but long-lasting and professional customer relationship. In practice, this means that our secretariat is 100% committed to you, and works on your side every day. That means you are not alone, and you have someone to exchange knowledge with.

Profile on our investor platform
No intermediaries. Become a member of our investor platform, where you can be discovered by relevant investors, and have direct contact with those who are interested. Additionally, use us to expand your personal investor network for future benefit.

Public & Investor Relations
Our promotion process (post-closing) typically includes case stories in a newsletter to +6000 signups, news media and social media. Investor relations is not a one-off pleasure but an ongoing and lasting process, which we support by creating efficient publicity over time.

Valuable validation
Keystones’ blue stamping helps to boost the credibility of your case. Our investors are your ambassadors in the market and you may also find it easier to get new customers, partners, employees, media attention or raise capital again in the future.

Kickoff workshop
Are you ready to enter the capital market? Over half a day, we run through the key preparation points, exchange knowledge about investor strategy, materials, processes, align expectations and share simple experiences of investor dialogues.

Team analysis report
Money is not everything. What people are your team missing? What are your strengths and weaknesses? How will you build a winning team? Get the answer in a professional test report that we help you generate digitally.

Investor course
Good investor understanding is underrated. Learn about the journey from startup to exit, valuation, management of investor groups and much more on our basic course: ‘Introduction to Investing in Startups’.

Hotline support
The Secretariat is your hotline. With us, you will be in the safe hands of specialised professionals with over 20 years of experience in business angels and investments in startups. We provide professional advice based on unique insights from several investment rounds.

Well-tested and digital processes
We are recognised for our well-tested process – from application to money landing in your account – which is fast and efficient. If you come well prepared, it can take as little as a few weeks to close the round.

Group investments that work
We love investing in groups and we are standard-setters in the discipline. The advantage of having multiple investors is that you gain a larger pool of knowledge, networks and time resources that you can draw on for years to come. At the same time, it can be easier to cover your capital needs when more people can participate.

We are just one of many building blocks
We do not bind you or exclude you from seeking out other networks. Keystones is not an either-or decision. We require no exclusivity in the presentation of your case. On the contrary, we always recommend that you run several parallel processes. We’re happy to help create auction-effects together.

We embrace broadly
Keystones’ recruitment and admission requirements reflect an agenda that the network should be inclusive in terms of gender, geography, age, experience levels, wealth, investment strategies and start-up teams. Members also come in all ‘shoe sizes’ and are at different stages of their investment cycle – from entry to exit.

risk investors

Our network consists of private investors, business angels, corporate executives, foundations and commercial enthusiasts who are passionate about building businesses. We engage on a risk-willing basis with both sweat equity and capital. We typically take on an active role in the board, advisory board or management.

scalable companies

Since 2000, the Keystones secretariat has facilitated capital between hundreds of Danish startups and venture capitalists. If your company can present a scalable concept, a good team and an attractive investment opportunity, we would like to hear from you.

in commercialization

Investors are looking for companies that have reached a commercial stage and where growth can be accelerated with “smart money”. Most often the investment size is in the range of 1-10 million DKK and there are often several investors involved in each investment.

How we work

We focus on whether the company addresses investors with a strong message, getting in touch, dialogue and meetings with relevant investors. The company is responsible for preparing investor materials and the conduction of the negotiation process.

1. Qualification

Workshop and feedback on process,strategy, profiles, materialetc.

2. Become case of the week

Sending of case description and profiling on the platform

3. Pitch

Pitch training and meetings with interested investors

4. Deal making

Syndication, negotiation, term sheet, due diligence and closing

Our own words are not the whole story

million is invested annually in the formal capital processes
of our clients land an investment. This hit rate is far above market level

Best rated service in the market

“Keystones plays a very important role in society as a facilitator of risky investments under proper conditions through its network. You have taken on a vital role in Denmark in securing funding for startups with a high risk profile. It is not certain that we would exist today if it had not been for Keystones. It would certainly have been a difficult road without you, also in relation to your involvement in the Danish Tech Challenge where we matured our business idea at an early stage.”

Emil Højlund-Nielsen, Cphnano

“Keystones has been a valuable partner for WelcomeBob in terms of both investment and expansion of our capabilities. Through Keystones, we have located very competent investors with strong subject-specific competencies. Several of these are now part of our board and as sparring partners on a daily basis. In addition, Keystones has been a strong business development sparring partner in the early stages of WelcomeBob’s life. We look forward to continuing our good working relationship.”

Jonas Vistesen, WelcomeBob

“At Movesca, we have had the pleasure of working with Keystones in 2019 to bring a number of Business Angels on board as investors. Keystones’ concept has worked well for us as an Impact Company, and it has been a pleasure to get sparring from Kenneth and Jan along the way the process. I can highly recommend Keystones.”

Jon Henningsen, Movesca

“Without Keystones we would not have achieved our capital raising goal

Kenneth Lærke, Urban Wine Box

“Keystones fills an important role in the Danish entrepreneurial environment: we get competent help to find both expertise and funding from a highly competent group of members, who in turn get a pearl of exciting investment opportunities.”

Anders L. Østergaard, Fluidide

“I have just successfully raised capital for our business, LifeGuard Health ApS via the Keystones network. I was running in parallel with two investor networks, but Keystones delivered in spades. Their process was tailored to our needs, included both physical and online presentation and most importantly personal guidance. Thanks for your help Kenneth, Jan, Frederik and the rest of the team.”

Mikkel Nybo Andersen, Lifeguard Health

“We succeeded and brought in financial expertise, but also investors with business experience and even business experience specifically from the audio industry. It was definitely a success!”

Villads Sørensen, SOWA

“I also signed up for the TV programme The Lion’s Den, and had also got through the ringer, but decided to drop out at the last minute as I had got into a good process with Keystones”

Bettina Berg, PetDK

“We used Keystones in our latest investment round with great success! So it is definitely recommended for both startups and investors”

Jakob Markussen, GLFR

“Keystones has brought a lot of experience and some great networks. For example, if we need an electrical engineer for some work, I send an email to the investors to see if anyone has a lead on it. And then I end up getting emails back with someone who knows someone or has relevant experience themselves. I have a short path to a huge resource network with everything from technical things like electronics development to marketing.”

Balder Onarheim, PlatoScience

“All in all, I’m very pleased that we managed everything in about 2.5 months from pitch to Keystones to signing.”

Thomas Keller, Dogley

“A big thank you to Keystones, who helped me to bring new competent and professional forces into StudyMind. It cannot be stressed enough how important this has been for StudyMind’s further growth and development. Without the members’ help I could never have come this far.”

Anna Stelvig, StudyMind

“In just a few days, Keysones has acquired 360job several interested investors despite the Covid-19 crisis. The investors confirm that our product fits like a glove in terms of how the job market is developing both now and for the next long while. We would NEVER have gotten to this point without Keystones.”

Balder Vendt-Striim, 360job

“Keystones facilitates a streamlined process that ensures companies and investors are matched and that there can be a reasonably short time from first meeting to investment. Although many of the investors are relatively new as business angels, having more of them together means they can lean on each other and help with due diligence, making the process painless and efficient.”

Mickey Madsen, Nordic Power Converters

“Investment processes are usually long and cumbersome, and in that comparison, Keystones has been quick and easy. And that’s really nice, when you’re wearing my hat. So it just means that we’ve had time to focus on the core business of developing business.”

Thor Grønlykke, Spraino

“From the very first contact, our experience was that these were highly competent employees who were all pulling in the same direction – and focused on getting to the finish line! Keystones is a very professional network and a pleasure to work with.”

Søren Aabel Hammer, Mazepay

“The Keystones network is a great platform to connect with relevant investors for IPO underwriting. We were very pleased with the well attended and well organised webinars and the high level of interest shown by participants”

Thomas Lethenborg, Monsenso
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